Thursday, September 6, 2012

Nature Walk

On the nature walk we walked through a temperate deciduous forest ecosystem.  This was visible by the amount of flowers and the types of trees in the area.  The trees are deciduous because the leaves fall off and change colors during the winter time and then return in the spring, and there are many different types of flowers that would not be able to grow in either extremely cold or hot weather.  The climate is not extremely hot, nor extremely cold.  There are many environmental factors important to the composition and activity of the ecosystem.  One of the factors is the precipitation in this area, the flowers and other plants need enough precipitation to grow and also the snow causes the deciduous trees to lose their leaves in the winter time.  Another factor is the solar power, the different parts of the ecosystem need the sun to survive and grow.


  1. Good post, Kennedy, but you are missing one. Please do it as soon as you can, because we will need it early this week.
