Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How are we going to make it rain?

Hey group!

Does anybody have an idea yet as to how to make it rain in the different ways that we want it to?


  1. We could use one of those misters with a clamp to make it lightly rain on the fast plants and add the same amount of water to another set of fast plants but more quickly by hand.

    Something like this:

  2. We could use two large buckets and cut holes in the bottom, one with a lot of really small holes and one with some bigger holes

  3. I like the water bottle idea, and that way we would be able to keep track of the amount of water. I also really like the idea of having buckets with different sized holes that Kennedy is about to post about :)

  4. Big holes we can do all of the days water at once and the smaller one with half the amount of water one day and the other half the other day
