Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Blog 21

Our experiment tests E. Coli's resistance to antibiotics.  We are trying to figure how quickly it dies depending on how much antibiotic different samples are given.  This research is significant because it can test the effectiveness of antibiotics on certain bacteria.  The research we are doing is similar to those who are trying to find new medicines/antibiotics that can be used to kill the bacteria in our body.  Also one issue doctors have with antibiotics is our body can build up resistance to them if they have been used too many times and are no longer able to fight off the bacteria in the human body.  So by doing this research, we are researching how much the certain type of bacteria, E.Coli, can build up resistance to certain amounts of the antibiotic ampicillin.  We are trying to figure out how much ampicillin it takes to kill off the bacteria and how it can build up resistance to it.  Similar to how if you get the bacteria in your body that creates strept throat and how if you get it enough times and take the antibiotics enough times, the antibiotic no longer is capable of killing off that bacteria in your body because it has built up resistance to it.

1 comment:

  1. Good ideas here.

    You may need to change your thinking once your experiment has been finalized and completed.
